The show and the 22 professional actors, singers, dancers and 11 musicians have received very favourable reviews. They all perform with a gripping energy and deliver a theatre performance that the audience will remember for a long time. ProShop Europe has been technical sparring partner and supplied light equipment, a monitor system with personal mixers for all the musicians and equipment for the unique projected back cloth.
Projected Back Cloth
The man behind the idea for the solution with the projected back cloth and the set design is Thomas Langkjær, the managing director and creative producer at Fredericia Teater. By projecting the back cloth it can be animated and new dimensions added to the atmosphere and furthermore the set can change almost instantly.
The projected back cloth is created by two Hippotizer media servers and four video projectors, which together project a 60 m2 picture with both vertical and horizontal soft edges. One of the challenges with the projected solution has been positioning the projectors correctly so that the actors would not cast shadows on the back cloth. The solution we have supplied allows for a 180 cm tall actor to stand 1½ m from the projected back cloth without casting shadows on it.
The content for the projected back cloth is designed and produced by Arthur Steijn. The projections range from a starry night, a passing school bus and a base ball court to a restaurant, a pool area and a golf court and is spiced up with little funny animations. The back cloth creates and supports the atmosphere in each scene perfectly.
Sound and Light
For the High School Musical 2 production we have also supplied lighting equipment, an AVIOM personal monitor system with 16 channels and a wireless Sennheiser in-ear monitor system.
High School Musical 2 on tour
Furthermore we have designed the sound effects and our technicians have mounted, adjusted and handled all the supplied solutions and will be going on tour with production..